The Latest Developments in Air Pollution Technology
----Mercury Issues 大气污染控制技术最新进展----汞污染控制
15th DeSOx Conference, Beijing China, April, 2011
The Source of Environmental, Energy,
Contamination Control, and Process Industry
Information Since 1974
One of the Most Professional Worldwide Companies in Environmental Technologies and Market Information.
Background 背景
Air Toxic Rules in the U.S.美国有毒空气法案
Overviews of the New Trends in Air Pollution Control大气污染控制技术的新动向
Energy Choices in China中国的能源选择
Four Lane Knowledge Bridge from Mcilvaine Company
Mcilvaine Company
To make this sharing more efficient Mcilvaine has created a free website with the Global Knowledge Orchard.为促进知识更高效的分享,
There are four major roots for each decison tree. They serve the four knowledge needs: Alerts, Answers, Analysis, Advancement.每一个决策树都有4个重要的分支组成。这4个部分构成知识的要求,分 别是:通讯,答案,分析和提高。
In the Global Knowledge orchard the fruit from the oldest trees can be profitably harvested. Providing easy access to the worlds previously accumulated knowledge is the foundation of better decision making.在全球知识园地里,从最古老的知识树上可以收货有用的知识结果。做 出更好的决策的根基是能够方便的获得以往全球积累的知识。
Last year at this conference Mcilvaine presented a paper which can be reviewed at : www.mcilvainecompany.com 大气污染控制技术进展即时信 息追踪系统去年的这个会议(第
14届,上海),Mcilvaine公司发表了一份报告。 这份报告可以在 www.mcilvainecompany.com网站上的"大气污染控制技术 进展即时信息追踪系统"连接中下载。
Rather than repeat some of this information, this paper will present onlythe changes and developments over the last year.
本报告不是单纯的重复去年的信息,而是给出大气污染控制技术领域 的变化和进步。
The U.S. EPA has just proposed rules to limit power plant air toxics in theU.S. These rules are expected to reduce 91 percent of the mercury from being released as well as greatly reduce emissions of hydrogen chloride and toxic metals such as arsenic and chromium.
美国环保署最近提出限制发电厂排放有毒空气的法案。这些法案有望减 少91%的汞排放,而不是之前的汞稀释。同时,将要求大大减少氯化氢和诸如 砷、铬等有毒金属物的排放。
Most important is the decision to use total particulate as a surrogate for metal toxics such as cadmium and lead. China has few fabric filters on coal fired boilers. So if China followed the path of the U.S. there would need to be massive investment in fabric filters. Here is the likely outcome in the U.S.
最重要的是决定使用总颗粒物的概念来包括诸如镉和铅等有毒金属。中国 的燃煤锅炉很少使用纤维袋式过滤器。所以,如果中国准随美国的道路, 就 需要在纤维袋式除尘器上做巨额的投资。这也是美国最有可能发生的事情。
Many coal-fired power plants will switch from precipitators to fabric filters to decrease the amount of activated carbon needed for 90 percent mercury removal. They will also switch in order to meet the new particulate standard of 0.03 lbs/MMBtu total particulate. This standard has been set to insure capture of toxic metals. EPA says the rules will result in 166,000 MW of new fabric filters.
许多燃煤发电厂将会把除尘器改造为纤维袋式除尘器,这样可以减少脱除90%汞所 需要的大量的活性炭。同时纤维袋式除尘器可以除去粒径为0.03Ibs/MMBtu的新的细颗 粒物。这个粒径的标准 的设置能够保证去除有毒金属颗粒物。美国环保署估计这个法 案将会产生装机容量为166,000MW的纤维袋式除尘器市场。
An investment of $16.6 billion for new fabric filters will be required in the next four years. This will then impact the sales of replacement bags. The initial outlay will be over$400 million and replacement bag costs will be over $300 million/yr.
未来四年,将会需要166亿美元投资于新型纤维袋式除尘器。这将影响滤袋更换的 销售市场。新型纤维袋式除尘器滤袋更换的初步的支出将超过4亿美元,滤袋更换的成 本每年将会超过3亿美元。
Overview of the Trends in Air Pollution control
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (二氧化碳捕集与封存)
The conventional methods have been mentioned in last year.
Oxy-combustion rather than coal gasification may be the best approach to producing electricity and a concentrated CO2 stream to be sequestered.相比于煤气化,富氧燃烧可能是更好的发电技术和富集二氧化碳气体 用于封存的好办法。
The U.S. DOE will fund this process at an Ameren Plant in Illinois rather than the originally planned gasification and CO2 separation. Babcock & Wilcox will supply the oxycombustor.美国能源部即将资助该技术,应用于美国伊利诺斯州的一个发电厂。 之前,最初计划采用的技术是煤气化和二氧化碳气体封存。Babcock & Wilcox公司将会提供富氧燃烧装置。
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (二氧化碳捕集与封存)
Another approach with U.S. DOE funding uses a turbine designed for the aerospace industry along with gasified coal and oxygen which promises CO2 sequestration and zero emissions. Clean Energy Systems is the system supplier.受到美国能源部的资助的一个技术是采用航空工业使用 的涡轮发电机,这个技术保证可以封存二氧化碳和承诺零排 放。Clean Energy Systems公司是该系统的供应商。
NOx Control Issues (氮氧化物控制问题)
The cleaning , rejuvenation and regeneration of catalyst has become more important as power plants are faced with unexpectedly high costs for catalyst replacement . ( see a discussion of the options under our Decisive Classification).由于发电厂正面临着更换催化剂的意外的高成本难题,催化剂的
The safety issue on SCR Reducer (Ammonia)作为脱硝还原剂的氨的安全问题
Liquid Ammonia is cheaper both on its price and the operation cost,but the safety issue in its transportation and storage should be considered.液氨用作脱硝还原剂,无论其原料价格还是运行费用都相对较低 ,但 其在运输及储存中的安全问题必须关注。
Producing ammonia on-site from the hydrolysis of Urea is a favorable alternative.利用尿素水解来现场产生氨气的方法是解决直接使用液氨安全问题
Many urea to ammonia systems have been installed in the U.S. There is now a system in China as well.
( Wahlco has a urea to ammonia system for this purpose)
在美国,有许多尿素转化为氨水的系统已经投入使用。在中国,现 在还只有一套。(Wahlco公司已经在做这方面的工作)
Overview of the Trends in Air Pollution control
Mercury Issues (汞排放问题)
Based on the coming International Treaty on global mercury pollution control (expected in 2013), mercury abatement from coal-fired Power Plants is urgent both in The U.S and in China.随着全球汞污染控制的国际公约的即将形成,美国和中国在燃煤电 厂进行汞排放控制显得尤为迫切。
On Mar. 16, 2011, US-EPA issued a new mercury control proposal, and about 91% of mercury removal efficiency will be regulated for coal- fired power plant;今年3月16日,美国环保署签署新的电站汞排放控制建议,要求减 少约91%的汞排放。
In China, 16 power plants have been chosen for mercury emission monitor in 2011, and further full-scale demonstrations on emission control in China will be carried out by 2013.在中国环保部的努力下,中国已选取了16个典型燃煤电厂进行汞 排
14放监测及控制技术示范,未来中国将在这一领域取得较大进展 。
Mercury Issues (汞排放问题)
Mercury measurements
More reliable measurements for the mercury determination in coal- fired flue gas are wanted, especially in China (with higher fly ash content in flue gas)
燃煤发电厂的汞测定需要更多的可靠的方法。尤其是在中国, 因为中国锅炉烟气中飞灰含量比较高一些。汞测定不仅要求具有质 量可靠的仪器(专业认证)、规范的采样分析方法,而且操作人员 的专业素质及测试经验也相当重要。
The marketing for Hg-CEMs is increasing significantly, but developing more reliable in-line sampling method is still a big challenge for instrument producers, especially to meet the extreme demands in China (most with higher fly ash and moisture content without GGH downstream of FGD).
Hg-CEMs (连续在线监测仪器)将有较大的市场需求,但开发更为可靠的Hg-CEMs对现有的生产商来说仍有许多工作要做。
Mercury control Technologies (B-PAC)
Brominated carbon (B-PAC) has proved more efficient than expected when used in plants utilizing electrostatic precipitators.发电厂采用静电除尘器时,溴化碳脱除汞已经被证明比预期的更有
SO3 has continued to be a problem. It interferes with mercury adsorption on the activated carbon. The addition of calcium or sodium sorbents in addition to the carbon is one solution to this problem.三氧化硫的脱除是一个老问题。三氧化硫干扰活性炭对汞的吸附。 在煤炭中添加钙或者钠的吸附剂是解决这个问题的一个办法。
The deterioration of fly ash by Carbon is still a barrier for the spread of B-PAC溴化活性炭对飞灰品质的破坏作用仍然是值得关注的问题。
Mercury control Technologies (Co-benefit ways)
New methods for injecting halogens are proving cost effective in oxidizing mercury. This mercury can then be captured in either wet or dry scrubber systems at a rate as high as 95%.已经证明,向烟气中注射卤素是氧化汞污染物的一种低成本高效益的 方法。无论是在湿法还是干法的烟气洗涤系统中,这个办法都可以去除高 达
SCR catalysts can promote the oxidation of elemental mercury, but how to make good use of them is the unsolved problem both for SCR catalyst producers and the experts in optimizing SCR operating conditions or flue gas conditioning .
FGD can capture oxidized mercury effectively, but its potential pollution in FGD liquor, gypsum and FGD wastewater is still the issue to be considered.
Fine Particulate Issues (细粒子问题问题)
Progress has been made in the commercialization of a flexible ceramic bagwith catalyst imbedded in the fiber.
一种在纤维上植入催化剂的可拆卸的陶瓷滤袋已经开始制作,有望 成为一种新的选择。
Membrane bags are proving more efficient than plain nonwovens.However bag leaks are a bigger concern than theoretical efficiency.
(W.L. Gore has gained good progress for fine particulate issues)
相比于普通的无纺布滤袋,覆膜滤袋的除尘效率已经证明更加有效。 不过,相比于理论上的除尘效率,滤袋泄漏问题更受关注。(W.L.Gore 在这方面获得重要的进展)
There are some commercial installations of a wet electrostatic precipitator with a wetted fabric as the collection electrode. There are cost and operational advantages.
湿式电除尘装置已经有商业应用,这种湿式电除尘器带有湿的纤维 布和18带水的收集电极。这种湿式电除尘装置具有成本和运营优势。
SO2 Removal Issues (脱硫问题)
Problems with mercury in the gypsum could lead to further use of the natural oxidation lime systems with conversion of the sludge to a fixed product for landfill or use.
含有汞的石膏可能影响自然氧化石灰系统,该系统产生的污泥难以转化 为固体物用于填埋或者做其它用途。
There is now a commercial opportunity to use high purity gypsum to replace precipitated calcium carbonate for coating of magazine paper.
SO2 Removal Issues (脱硫问题)
There will be increasing opportunities to supply acid gas byproducts including ammonium sulfate, dilute sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid.
烟气脱硫行业将会有越来越多的机会,提供包括硫酸铵,稀 释硫酸,盐酸等酸性气体副产品。
Due to the recent nuclear disaster in Japan, China and othercountries are scaling back on their nuclear plans.
China needs to revise its choices for future power generation basedon:
1) The risks of nuclear energy as demonstrated by the disaster inJapan.
2) The awareness that ultra super critical coal can be a bridge for the next 25-50 years and not a permanent solution.
3) The benefits of innovative approaches to supplemental fuelsand by products with coal as the main fuel.
4) Clarity as to the real goals and aspirations of China.
1) The risks of nuclear energy as demonstrated by the disaster inJapan.
It is too early to tell what the eventual impact of the Japanese nuclear meltdown will have on nuclear plants. But it is clear that over the next 25 years nuclear will play a smaller role in the energy mix than was envisioned just a few months ago.
现在评估日本核电灾难对于全球核电发展的最终影响还为时 过早。但是很明显,对比与几个月前,未来25年内,核电在总体 能源结构中的地位变小了。
2) The awareness that ultra supercritical coal can be a bridge for the next 25-50years and not a permanent solution.
超超临界燃煤发电技术是未来20~50年发电的较好的选择,但不是永久的 解决办法;
The economic life a coal fired plant is only 25 years. China can continue building new coal plants until 2025 and still rely on renewables for the time frame starting in 2050. The advanced ultra supercritical and the advanced carbon capture and sequestration technologies need time to become cost effective. China and the United States should both concentrate on replacing all sub critical coal fired boilers with new ultra supercritical boilers.
燃煤发电厂的经济寿命只有25年。直到2025年,中国依然可以建造新的燃 煤发电厂。从2050年,中国可以基本依靠可再生能源来发电。先进的超超临界 燃煤发电技术、先进的碳捕集和封存技术需要时间来变得更具有经济效益。中 国和美国都应该集中用超超临界燃煤锅炉来更换所有的亚临界燃煤锅炉。
3) The benefits of innovative approaches to supplemental fuels and by productswith coal as the main fuel.
采用创新的办法来补充能源,以及把煤作为主要能源来发展相关副能源产 品。
Cellulosic ethanol is one example of the innovative matching of other production technologies with coal fired power generation. The coal plant furnishes waste steam and hydrochloric acid to the cellulosic ethanol plant. In return the plant receives the biomass waste which it burns along with coal. The Great Rivers Spiritwood Plant could be the first commercial marriage of these technologies.
纤维素乙醇制造应用是一个例子,这种物质可以创造性的与燃煤发电的生 产相匹配。燃煤发电厂产生的废蒸汽和盐酸可以组建纤维素乙醇生产厂。反过 来,发电厂能够收到纤维素乙醇产生的生物质废料,可以和燃煤共燃发电。 Great Rivers Spiritwood Plant是第一个采用这种方式商业运作的发电厂。
4) Clarity as to the real goals and aspirations of China.
All harm and benefits can be reduced to a common metric called Quality Enhanced Life Days ( QELD) Specific policies toward pollutant reduction, global warming and energy choices should be made with this common metric. Furthermore the significance of the tribal discount value ( the lives of Chinese citizens are more important to China than the lives of Pacific Islanders) needs to be considered. The future value discount ( saving lives today is worth more than lives saved 50 years from now) also needs to be included when making the choices http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/SURS/subscriber/Default.htm
Quality Enhanced Life Days ( QELD)作为一个共同的度量可以权衡所有 的好处和坏处。运用QELD,可以做出关于污染物减排、全球变暖和能源选择等 方面的详细的政策。更重要的是要考虑到种群的折扣价值(对于中国而言,中 国公民的生命远比太平洋岛民的生命更重要)。在做决策时,未来价值的折扣 也需要考虑(今天生命的折扣远比50年后生命价值的折扣要重要)。参考: http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/SURS/subscriber/Default.htm
The Mcilvaine Company has built a four lane knowledge bridge that most effectively links the supplier and the power plant operator. This bridge insures the effective delivery of the fruit from the Global Knowledge Orchard.
There are four lanes: Bike, truck, auto and express. There arehigh powered vehicles and there is optimum traffic control.
Mcilvaine公司已经建立了一个四车道的知识桥梁,它可以最 高效率的连接设备供应商和发电厂经营者。这些桥梁可以确保从 "全球知识园地"的知识果实的高效率的传递。
The four lane bridge:
The Bike Lane provides the networking, project databases, and customer directories
The truck lane includes articles in various magazines and in Mcilvaine Newsletters
The auto lane includes InterWEBviews™ and webinars in Chinese and in English
The express lane includes instantly accessible data in the Mcilvaine free Global Knowledge Orchard, as well as on Google and supplier websites
快递车道包括Mcilvaine免费的"全球知识园地"的即时数据网络,还有 谷歌知识和全球供应商目录;
Vehicles in the bike lane include a networking system in the Free Global Knowledge Orchard. Power plant operators can identify experts who will answer their questions.
Networking of experts around the world will help Chinese Decision Makers.
Vehicles in the bike lane 行驶在自行车车道
Data Search by Person数据搜索人Top of Form
Data Search on: Wilber, Karl
Bottom of Form
Attendee: EPRI CEMS, June 8-10, 2011 / Attendees
Attendee: Tekran Attendees at IEEE Cement Conference, St. Louis, MO, May 22-26, 2011.
Attendee: Tekran Exhibitor Personnel, International Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant, July 24-29, 2011
Biography: Wilber, Karl - Tekran Instruments - Biography as of February 11
Presentation: Portland Cement MACT Regulations Frequently‐Asked Questions (FAQs) - Cement MACT Webinar February 9, 2011
Speaker: Air Quality VIII, October 24-27, 2011/ Speakers
Webinar Recording: Cement MACT Webinar - February 9, 2011
YouTube: Portland Cement MACT Regulations Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) - Cement MACT Webinar February 9, 2011 YouTube
Vehicles in the bike lane 行驶在自行车车道
Conference networking is another vehicle in the bike lane
Here are 8 exhibits in just 13 days of which 6 are valuable for those interested in air pollution control.
这里有13天内的8个展会,其中的6个展会或者会议是对空气污染控制展有兴趣的 人是很有价值的。
5/10/2011 |
Electric Power 2011 |
5/9/2011 |
IEEE Cement Conference 2011 |
5/9/2011 |
World of Coal Ash Conference 2011 |
5/5/2011 |
Aerosol Technology for Cleanrooms |
5/5/2011 |
5/2/2011 |
ESTECH 2011 |
5/2/2011 |
Offshore Technology Conference 2011 |
4/27/201131 15th Int'l Conference for SO2, NOx, HG, PM2.5
Vehicles in the bike lane 行驶在自行车车道
For the supplier the bike lane contains Chinese Utility Plans and the Chinese E Alert along with other directories and tools to help the salesmen identify projects and contacts.
对于供应商而言,自行车车道包含"中国公用事业工程展望 "和"中国电子通讯"。配合其它目录和工具,设备销售商可以 确定对应的工程项目和联系方式。
CHINESE E-ALERTEnergy Progress in China
Peabody to Develop Clean Coal Power Plants and Surface Mines with Huaneng and Yankuang Groups
Fuel Tech awarded ASCR, ULTRA Orders
2×350 MW Units at Huaneng Shandong Huangtai Power Plant in Commercial Operation
300 MW Unit at Datang Inter Shanxi Linfen Thermal Power Plant in Commercial Operation
2×660 MW Units at Guodian Guangxi Jiujiang Power Plant Approved
600 MW Unit in Phase III at Huaneng Yueyang Power Plant in Commercial Operation
2×300 MW Units in Phase III at Guodian Yangzonghai Power Plant Approved
330 MW Unit in Phase I at Guodian Jilin Jiangnan Power Plant in Commercial Operation
350 MW Unit at Hueneng Huhehot Thermal Power Plant in Commercial Operation
2×330 MW Units in Expansion Project at Guodian Gansu Lanzhou Thermal Power Plant in Commercial Operation
300 MW Unit at Huadian Mudanjiang No. 2 Power Plant in Commercial Operation
330 MW Unit in Phase I at Guodian Xinjiang Hongyanchi Power Plant in Commercial Operation
330 MW Unit at Guodian Henan Zhumadian Power Plant in Commercial Operation
FGD Technical Renovation Project on No.7 Unit at Huadian Heilongjiang Mudanjiang No. 2 Power Plant Passed Environmental Protection Examination
Four Lane Knowledge Bridge
Vehicles in the Truck Lane 行驶在卡车车道
The vehicles in the truck lane include articles in Chinese and other magazines as well as articles in Mcilvaine Newsletters.
FGD and DeNOx NEWSLETTER March 2011, No. 395
For a printer friendly copy of this newsletter Click Here
EPA Settles with NIPSCO Over CAA Allegations
EPA Sues Ameren Rush Island
EPA Files NSR Lawsuit Against Homer City
Dynegy to Mothball Vermilion
EU Delays PM2.5 Reductions Until 2012 or Later
EPA Did Not Have SIPs and FIPs for Haze in Place by January 15
Corrosion in FGD Systems was Hot Topic
SkyScraper™ New FGD Technology
EPA Will Not Reconsider the SO2 NAAQS Promulgated in June, 2010
AES Wants to Close Goudey in March
Environmental Groups File Haze Lawsuit Against DOI and DOA
Wet Lime FGDs Working Well at Cholla 3 and 4
B&W Low NOx Combustion System for Boundary Dam 3
ROFA and ROTAMIX for Patnow I Boiler 5
Philadelphia/Wilmington/Atlantic City Ozone Nonattainment Areas Get One-Year Extension
Fuel Tech Awarded ASCR, ULTRA Orders in China
Low-NOx Gas Turbines and ABB Control System for Aluminum Bahrain
CCA Licenses Nationwide Boiler to Use TRIM-NOX™ Urea Injection System
Hovensa Will Install Emissions Controls at St. Croix Refinery
MERCONTROL 7895 for Boardman
Fish in Lakes Closer to Power Plants Had Lower Hg Levels Than Fish in Lakes 30 km Away35
Injecting PAC into FGD Absorber Removes Hg2+ from Scrubber SlurryFour Lane Knowledge Bridge
The vehicles in the auto lane include InterWEBviews™, shared webinars, and custom webinars in Chinese and English.
通过汽车车道可以获取中英文的在线会议记录、共享的在线 网络研讨会和客户定制研讨会。
Substitute for Interview A B C
InterWEBviews™ in Chinese
Wahlco has a urea to ammonia system for NOx reagents . Many systems are installed in the U.S. There is now a system in China as well.
Links to the presentation in Chinese
Two InterWEBviews on W.L. Gore products are being conducted and will be available on our free Global Knowledge Orchard Site. One InterWEB view is about membrane bags. They have proven to be more efficient than conventional bags. This is particularly important when very low emission rates are specified.
前面提到覆膜滤袋过滤系统。在"全球知识园地"可以获取W.L.Gore公司 的产品和技术的讨论信息。在超低的飞灰浓度下,该产品表现更好。
Another InterWEBview™ describes a new composite medium which can beinstalled downstream of a wet scrubber for mercury removal.
Vehicles in the express lane include the free Global Knowledge Orchard website with instant comprehensive searches as well as google and information posted on supplier websites.
通过快递车道可以获取免费的"全球知识园地"网络,包括 类似于谷歌的即时的综合的搜索快,还有设备供应商发布网络上 的信息。
Traffic Control on the 4 lane bridge 四车道交通管理
Traffic control for the power plant operator includes Power Plant Decisions. For the suppliers it includes FGD, Fabric Filter and other strategic reports It also includes Decisive Classification.
对于发电厂经营者来说,交通控制包括"发电厂决策系统"。对于设备 供应商来说,交通控制包括"烟气脱硫系统"、"纤维袋式除尘器系统"和其 它战略报告。
Decisive Classification in Chinese and English will aid in better selections
Dentrification is the wrong word for DeNOx. One type of DeNOx is selective catalytic reduction (SCR). One component of SCR is the catalyst. One aspect of catalyst decision making is maintenance. A group of experts has agreed on the following classifications in Chinese and English.
脱硝是氮氧化物脱除的错误的说法。一类是氮氧化物脱除技术是有选择 性的脱硝催化还原(SCR)。SCR技术的一个重要组成是催化剂。催化剂决策的 一个层面是催化剂的维护。众多专家都赞同下面的中英文分级方法。
It is important that every product and every application which will be subject to decision making is decisively classified. Mcilvaine invites the participation of various Chinese organizations to make this a universal tool.
重要的是,从属于决策的每一个产品和每一种应用都必须进行分级。 Mcilvaine公司邀请中国的各种组织参与进来,是"决策分级系统"成为一个 通用的工具。
Other Children of: |
Catalyst Maintenance |
Numerical and dual language identification of Chinese and international companies is desirable.
由于中英文之间来回翻译引起的混乱,所以每一家公司的数目和不同母 子公司之间的隶属关系的识别是很迫切的。
Company name
English Name Parent corporate # Chinese name
Global Knowledge Orchard
China already has the second biggest economy in the world. More people speak Mandarin than any other language. China is investing more in air pollution control equipment than any other country except the United States. The 4 lane bridge connecting suppliers and end users needs to be traveled by China as well as all the other countries of the world. Each country can learn from the others. China is host to a number of innovative air pollution projects. Information about their success needs to be communicated to the rest of the world. This interchange of information can take place with the traffic control provided by Decisive Classification and the swift vehicles designed for this bridge.
中国已经是全球第二大经济体。相比较与其它语言,更多的人说普通话。除了美国以外,相比于其它任何国家,中国正投资更多的钱在空气污染控制 设备。四车道的桥梁可以在设备供应商和最终用户需要之间有效连接,这在中 国和世界其它国家一样有效。每个国家都可以借鉴别国。中国是许多创新的空 气污染控制工程的东道国。这些工程的成功经验信息需要传递给全世界。通过 "决策分级系统"和知识桥梁的车道切换的交通控制,这些信息的交换是可以 做到的。
The McIlvaine Company 191 Waukegan Road, Suite 208 Northfield, IL 60093, USAPhone: 847-784-0012
Fax: 847-784-0061
The McIlvaine Company Shanghai Office闵行区北松公路
shmcilv@126.com ligangjian2007@126.com电话:
86-21-64902160 传真:86-21-64902160Website:
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