and DeNOx
September 2011
No. 401
Dry FGD for D. E. Karn Power Plant
MET Licensee to Provide Wet Limestone FGD for 2 x 550-MW Rutenberg in Israel
Cansolv to Remove SO2 from 1200-MW Duyun in Guizhou, PRC
Proposed Revisions to Secondary NAAQS for NOx and SOx
Power Projects in China Increasingly Include Both FGD and NOx Control
FGD Systems Being Rebuilt at Huadian Tengzhou
FGD and SCR at Guodian Jiangsu Jianbi
Mississippi Lime Company Announces Hydrated Lime Production Expansions
Duke Battling FGD Corrosion
Duke Could Convert Lee to Natural Gas-firing
MET to Provide Wet Limestone and Ammonium Sulfate FGD in China
ROFA Improves SO2 Reduction and Limestone Utilization in CFB Boiler
Ameren Signs PRB Coal Contract through 2017 with Peabody
Adding DSI? Evaluate Ash Handling System
FPL to Build 1280-MW Gas Turbine Power Plant at Port Everglades
FMC and URS to Collaborate on New NOx Control Technology
STEAG Energy Services Regenerates Catalyst at Biomass-fired Power Plant
Recovering Ammonia in Flyash and Reusing it as SCR Reagent
Acorn Energy Agrees to Sell CoaLogix for $101 Million
Specs for Replacement SCR Catalyst for Chinese Petroleum Corp.
SCR-Tech Awarded New Contracts Worth $4.1 Million
Judge Says “NO Penalties” for Comanche 3 Not Having MACT Permit
SEA™ Technology on West Coast Utility
Calgon Carbon Offers Second Generation Activated Carbons
Liquid Brominated Oxidant for Mercury Removal
Norit DARCO EXP355 Halogenated PAC
Using Co-benefits for Mercury Removal Yields Generally Good But Variable Results
Hitachi’s Longer Life and Enhanced Mercury Oxidation Catalysts
Knowledge-based Optimization of AmerenUE Sioux 1
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