Lots of Pumps used in Power Plants according to Hot Topic Speakers          


One of the speakers was Greg Morrison, Product Manager Boiler Feed Water Pumps at Flowserve Corporation, Pump Division. He discussed the application of boiler feed pumps in combined cycle, thermo-solar and biomass-fired power plants. He covered the types, sizes and required features of boiler feed pumps. The trend is away from barrel and split casing pumps and toward ring sectional pumps which are less costly and start up faster. This fast startup is a big advantage in combined cycle plants which are used for peaking service. The negative side of ring sectional pumps is that they must be fully removed to obtain access to the impeller. However, this may only be necessary every seven years. Ring sectional pumps are available with capabilities up to 5,000 gpm, 8000 feet of head, 4,000 PSIG and rotation at 5,000 rpm.


Remote operation is now possible thanks to wireless technology. Flowserve maximizes this opportunity by offering to provide remote monitoring and advice. Variable speed operation allows minimum energy consumption. Fluid couplings, steam turbine drives, and variable fluid drives are being utilized to accomplish this.


Tom Tschanz, senior consultant at McIlvaine Company, provided process flow diagrams and descriptions of some of the many pump applications in the power industry.










Tom briefly discussed the market and referenced the forecasts in the McIlvaine Pumps: World Market report.


























































Centrifugal pumps represent 65 percent of the market with the remaining 35 percent divided among diaphragm, reciprocating and rotary designs.


The entire August 30 recording can be heard at: Pumps for Power Plants, Boilers and Water Treatment Facilities Combined Cycle Plants     73 minutes     Password: hth472


The Bios, Abstract and Photo can be seen at: Bios, Abstract, Photo - August 30, 2012.htm


The individual presentations are as follows:




§  Application of Boiler Feed Pumps in Combined Cycle, Thermosolar, & Biomass by Greg Morrison, Flowserve - Hot Topic Hour August 30, 2012

§  Power Plant Pumps by Tom Tschanz, McIlvaine Company - Hot Topic Hour August 30, 2012



Bob Mcilvaine


Mcilvaine Company

Ph: 847-784-0012 ext. 112