Water Market Insights
No. 109  July 31, 2014






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·       Consolidation in the World’s Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

·       Upgrading Coal Plants around the World Is the Best and Quickest Way to Reduce CO2

·       Headlines for Utility E-Alert – July 25, 2014

·       McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration



 Consolidation in the World’s Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

Sales of sedimentation and centrifugation equipment will rise to $7.3 billion in 2015. A small but growing percentage of the sales will be achieved by international companies. There have been many acquisitions over the years.

Evoqua Water Technologies, formerly Siemens Water Technologies is the prime example.  This company includes more than one hundred acquisitions over the years. Most recently, Siemens sold its water and waste group to AEA Investors LP, New York, USA, for 640 million Euros.


In their continuing analysis in Sedimentation and Centrifugation World Markets, McIlvaine predicts that the international companies who will be most successful will be those who become leaders in the Chinese market.  Asia will account for 55 percent of the market next year.


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China will account for more than 50 percent of the Asian market and more than 25 percent of the total market.



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International companies have made the most progress in gaining market share in the centrifuge segment which will exceed $500 million next year.

Andritz is an example of an international company which has expanded through a combination of organic and acquisition growth.  An early acquisition of a belt filter press manufacturer was complimented by acquisitions of centrifuge companies. The corporation saw the potential in China many years ago and has positioned itself well in that country.  As of the end of the first quarter 2014 Andritz had achieved.




Order Backlog


First Quarter Sales








First quarter orders included:

·       Three high performance centrifuges for a Texas municipal wastewater plant,

·       Gypsum centrifuges for FGD system in Chinese power plant,

·       Decanter centrifuge orders from a bisphenol A (BPA) producer in China,

·       Decanter centrifuges for polyoxymethylene (PCM) manufacturer in Saudi Arabia,

·       Separators for tea manufacturing facility in China.

It is significant that three of five major orders in the first quarter were for Chinese plants.

Andritz is showing the way for international sedimentation and centrifugation suppliers.

For more information on: Sedimentation and Centrifugation World Markets, click on:   http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php/markets/2-uncategorised/119-n005


Upgrading Coal Plants around the World Is the Best and Quickest Way to Reduce CO2

The reality is that coal will remain a major fuel source for electricity generation for the next several decades.  Coal generators will continue to be the leading source of CO2 emissions.  Making these plants more efficient is the easiest way to reduce not only CO2 but all the pollutants.  The cost and benefits of an efficiency improvement program are provided in the McIlvaine report, Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast.  (www.mcilvainecompany.com)

A new study from IEA released in July 2014, cites the Chinese example as the model.  The Chinese are now anticipating an economic plant life of 25 years as opposed to 40 years used as the EU model and even longer in the U.S.  China is replacing small old plants with new ultrasupercritical designs.  These designs all have the latest air pollution control equipment.  China realizes that technological improvements make existing plants obsolete after 2.5 decades.  Who would argue that the economic life of an automobile is more than 25 years?

IEA points out that a 25-year economic life model completely changes the priorities for CO2 reduction in many countries of the world. This is particularly true for the U.S. which has the oldest coal fleet.

The “Clean Power Plan” just announced by U.S. EPA relies on improving energy efficiency at old coal-fired power plants. That is the equivalent of trying to make a sixty year old gas guzzler as efficient as a 2014 model hybrid. The clear choice is to scrap the gas guzzler and buy a new car. This is also the obvious way to meet the EPA goals relative to coal-fired power. In fact, the new coal-fired power plant solution is a win-win situation for all sides because:

·       The environmental goals are exceeded,

·       There is a big stimulus to the U.S. economy,

·       Electricity rates are lower than with any other plan,

·       Because of the twenty-five year optimum life of a coal-fired power plant, there will be a whole new set of options in 2045.

·       Use of vertical space. The average power plant already has stacks many hundreds of feet high. Kiewit has an innovative use of the grain tower design to build 80 foot diameter modules which are 400 feet high. So innovations such as this will result in cost effective upgrades.

·       Upgrades/replacements are more efficient and, therefore, produce more electricity for a given footprint.

·       Use of new technology such as catalytic filters. This filter combines particulate filtration and NOx reduction in one unit greatly reducing space requirements and retrofit costs.

·       Use of treated municipal wastewater for cooling and other purposes. Nearly all existing power plants are within 70 miles of enough treated municipal wastewater to supply their water needs.

·       Zero liquid discharge systems. Upgraded power plants will not have water discharges.

·       Co-generation and reduction of emissions from other sources. Great Rivers Energy has Blue Flint ethanol plant on-site. The ethanol plant has no boiler and no emissions since it uses waste heat from the power plant.

·       Supplementing coal with other fuels for optimum cost and environmental improvements. Gasified municipal waste and biomass can be used as re-burn fuels to reduce NOx.

Since all sides benefit, there is every reason for agreement, fast track siting of new power plants and simultaneous retirement of old power plants.

The “Clean Power Plan” proposed by the Obama Administration seeks to achieve a 30 percent reduction in CO2 emissions from existing electric generating units by 2030 based on a 2005 baseline. States must show “meaningful progress” by 2020. With a strategy of coal-fired power plant replacement, this progress and compliance with the timelines will be assured.

The air pollution impact of upgrading the old fleet to supercritical efficiency would be a reduction equivalent to 2.4 billion tons of CO2. The validity of this calculation is easily determined by using the EPA cost justification values.  CO2, various air toxics and each criteria pollutant is assigned a monetary value, so this creates a common metric. There are other environmental benefits. The upgraded coal-fired power plants would not generate the water and solid waste caused by the old power plants, so total environmental impact would be the equivalent of 5 billion tons of CO2.




For more information on Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast, click on: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php/markets/2-uncategorised/113-n043



Headlines for Utility E-Alert – July 25, 2014



#1184 – July 25, 2014


Table of Contents







·       Beijing closes Coal-fired Power Plant to cut Pollution

·       ACWA to build Coal-fired Power Plant in Mozambique










·       GE to supply Gas Turbine for CHP Power Plant in Russia

·       Conversion of Bataan (Philippines) Nuclear Power Plant to Natural Gas

·       MHPS and HCH jointly receive Order for H-25 Gas Turbine for Ningbo Kefeng Thermal Power Co. in China

·       Saudi Electricity signs Four Contracts for Gas-fired Power Projects worth SR4.361 Billion

·       Eesti Energia orders 30,000 Filter Bags from BWF Envirotec for Oil Shale-fired Power Plant

·       Mexico's CFE to tender $2.8 Billion in Power Plant, Pipeline Projects













·       Wet Calcium FGD was the Hot Topic on July 24

·       “Mercury Sorbent Options” Hot Topic Hour on July 31 will focus on the Dry Sorbents Used to Capture Mercury

·       Upcoming Hot Topic Hours



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McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration


On Thursday at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $300.00 for non-subscribers.


See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.










MATS Timing and Technology Options



Industrial Boiler and Cement MACT Timing and Compliance Options



MEGA Symposium



Demineralization and Degasification





Hot Gas Filtration



Power Plant Pumps



Power Water Monitoring



Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals

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Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112

