Weekly selected highlights in flow control, treatment and combustion from the many McIlvaine publications.
- Refinery Decisions will be the Subject of Webinar on January 10
- Navigating the Sea Change in the Combust, Flow and Treat Markets
Refinery Decisions will be the Subject of Webinar on January 10
A decision system matrix for refineries has been created and will be available free of charge to everyone for three months after which it will be free only for refineries. A webinar to initiate the service is scheduled for January 10.
The webinar will provide insights on the market opportunities for IIoT and Remote O&M. It will also chart the progress of new approaches to refinery decision making as listed in the following article.
Some of the examples of focused decision subjects where development and controversy are high include: IIoT & Remote O&M, steam valves, molecular sieve switching valves, fugitive emissions, fence line monitoring and reporting of ambient emissions, catalytic cracking air pollution control with evaluation of catalytic filters vs scrubbers and ozone injection.
There are many developments underway in fence line monitoring. A new federal rule requires fence line monitoring of benzene in January 2018. New rules in southern and northern California require fence line monitoring of 15 toxic pollutants by 2020.
We are conducting web based interviews with experts which will be available as conducted. The one with Golden Specialty, Inc. will be conducted in the next several days and posted in the intelligence system for access prior to the meeting. The company offers a complete service to address fence line monitoring requirement 325.
You can register for the webinar by clicking on http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php/component/content/article/28-energy/675-hot-topic-hour-info#weekly
You can obtain the three month free subscription by sending your email address and title to Dina Mohr at dmohr@mcilvainecompany.com However if you sign up for the webinar you will automatically be registered for the website.
Navigating the Sea Change in the Combust, Flow and Treat Markets
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) will greatly increase opportunities but also the threats to suppliers of combust, flow and treat (CFT) products. The opportunities include larger markets and higher margins. The threats include the insertion of third parties between the supplier and his traditional customers. The process management system supplier will share profits with the CFT suppliers based on the application and product knowledge each has. Suppliers who leverage the Industrial Internet of Wisdom (IIoW) to empower IIoT will be the beneficiaries. Leveraging will require new approaches.
New Approaches to Succeed in the IIoT World
Old Approach
New Approach
Market Research
Top down periodic general guesstimates
Bottoms up forecasts with detailed continuously updated analyses
Sales Initiation
Uncoordinated Sales Leads
Identification and pursuit of large prospects
Sales Persuasion
Sales Experts
Application Experts
Selection Criteria
Price and Service
Total cost of ownership (TCO) and service
Location of Specifiers
Individual Plants
Corporate staff with TCO data
Acceptance of New and Better Products
Collaboration with Other Suppliers
Important to Success
Decision Process
Not Systematic
Decision Systems
Subject Matter Experts (SMES)
Lots of SMES but not well utilized
Subject Matter Ultra Experts (SMUES)
contributing to and improving decision systems
Remote Monitoring
Data Analytics
TCO Analyses
Expensive and Inadequate
Voluminous and Continuous
Third Party Operation
Component Supplier Role
Initial Sale, Spare Parts, Service On Demand
Cloud Based Continuous Involvement
McIlvaine has a complete program to help CFT companies navigate the sea change in the industry. The market structure and opportunities are analyzed in N031 Industrial IOT and Remote O&M.
The specific opportunities at the 500 largest purchasers are included in each of the product market reports LINK TO MARKETS
Detailed programs to pursue specific markets are included in LINK TO DATABASES
New sales routes are provided in