This service provides Daily Alerts and continually updated forecasts of the markets for filter media, masks, filters, HVAC systems, room purifiers, garments, gloves, decontamination chemicals, decontamination systems and related products.  The forecasts provide a range of revenues depending upon variable factors which are continually reviewed in the Alerts, Webinars, and Global Decisions Orchard.

There is a great deal of information added each day in Alerts which range up to 20 pages in length.  Efficient retrieval of the relevant data is therefore essential.  This can be accomplished two ways. If the subject is broad such as HEPA filters,  you can scroll through the headlines and click on the relevant Alert. If the subject is specific such as air transmission of the virus then you can search by key words.  In order to make the search as valuable as possible choose a key word which is unique  to the search.   Since air transmission occurs through aerosol, it is quite valuable to search under aerosol rather than transmission or air.

The subscription includes contacts who are interested in obtaining coronavirus mitigation products and services.   One of the interested groups is meat processors.  Here is a list titles, pones and emails of meat processing employees who have contacted Mcilvaine to learn more about Coroanvirus Technology Solutions.   This list is being periodically updated Click here to view

We also have a list of Healthcare Companies Click here to view and Healthcare Hospitals  Click here to view


This report is for the exclusive use of the registered subscriber.  Unauthorized distribution of content or use of the user name and password by others is prohibited.