August 2023 - Hose + Coupling

Pursuing the Niche Markets in Hose and Coupling


In the Air, Water, Energy markets, and specifically in hose and coupling there is a notable difference between sales and cost control, it is the organized attention to detail.  The House and Coupling Industry achieves EBITDA of 15-20% but should be moving the numbers 10 points higher.

The way to do it is to devote the same attention to detail. Every AWE company uses systematic cost analysis and should do the same with sales.

Another salient fact is that there is no giant Hose and coupling market. There are hundreds of thousands of niche markets which can be aggregated to provide a total.

World Valve Market

Individual $94,000 niches can be combined like LEGO blocks into various niche combinations.

Flowserve just purchased Velan to create the world’s 2nd largest valve company with revenues of close to $1 billion and EBITDA of 15%. Revenues are only a little over 1% in a market of mostly industrial process applications.  When you add the small discrete valves and commercial and other applications the market is over $200 billion/yr.  It takes a minimum of at least 20% market share before you can hope for EBITDA in the 25 to 30% range. Velan sells double offset butterfly valves for hydrogen service and is achieving more than 20% market share in this niche. The goal is to achieve this capability across all pursued niches.

IDEX sells pumps, valves, fittings and related products and is achieving 30% EBITDA. The mission statement alludes to the niche focus. 

Companies should gather comprehensive information about each niche and then pursue those which will result in high EBITDA and at least a 20% market share. Millions of statistics need to be maintained. It starts with facts which then are multiplied by factors.

The end result is a high EBITDA aggregation of niche markets (1).

A market niche of $10 million with 10 sub niches fits all the criteria as shown below.

A company with revenue of $100 million and 30% EBITDA would be targeting 50 niches and 500 sub niches. It would also need to track thousands of other sub niches which it elects not to pursue.  It also needs to assess the competition and then create value propositions in each niche. These need to be validated by company employees. A Directory of Niche Value Propositions has been prepared as per the following index excerpt.

Excerpts from the index to the AWE Value Proposition Directory


KSB Sisto

hydrogen swing check valve


ITT Habonim

Hydrogen cryogenic ball valves



Hydrogen double offset butterfly valve



Hydrogen needle valve



Hydrogen double offset Butterfly valve



Hydrogen ball valve


Marmon Ind,

Coal plant ww. treatment



GT air filter



FGD knifegate valve



CO2 absorber



Hydrogen fired gas turbine



FGD limestone scrubber


The Value Proposition summaries are included as per this example of the MHI CO2 absorber for bioenergy plants.

MHI CO2 ABSORBER VP:    # 1095







Europe, Americas, Asia


CO2 capture

K21 absorber

Value Proposition: With aa new absorbent MHI can capture more than 99% of the CO2 with low solvent losses

Contact:   xxxxxx, Product manager, email xxxxxx phone xxxxxxxx mobile xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Contact:   xxxxxx, Product manager, email xxxxxx  phone xxxxxxxx  mobile xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Contact:   xxxxxx, Product manager,  email xxxxxx  phone xxxxxxxx  mobile xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Description: KS-21™ enable the compound to absorb COmore effectively than other solvents. It also degrades at a higher temperature than most solvents currently in use and it has a lower vapor pressure, resulting in reduced losses. This combination makes KS-21™ more efficient: Higher regeneration temperatures can be used to release the CO2, and since the solvent resists thermal and vaporization losses, it doesn’t need to be replenished as frequently.


The value propositions of OEMs shape the markets for the component suppliers.  The MHI breakthrough to reach 99% CO2 recovery promises to make small CO2 recovery systems attractive.  Waste to Energy and other smaller CO2 generators in the UK will have both a pipeline to take the CO2 away as well as an efficient way to remove the CO2.   Relatively high investments are required in pumps, valves, compressors, hose, fittings and stainless steel. Companies such as Ingersoll Rand and Atlas Copco are creating niches by acquiring companies which make the pumps and valves. They can be combined with the compressors into packages.

Following the lead of the finance department the statistics can be utilized to create very specific guidance for salesmen. This salesman for a filter company sells pulse jet valves along with the filters. Hose and couplings for dust discharge are sold along with unit collectors. Pumps are sold as part of scrubber systems. The number of days to spend each year in each application is budgeted.

Promotional expenses can be determined the same way. The template allows $100,000 of promotional expense per niche. California represents 3% of the revenue or $30 million.  So, the promotional budget would be $1.5 million.

The advertising and exhibition investment should ensure the validation of the value propositions for the sub-niches. The California market will benefit from some combination of local, national, and international promotion. It is likely that $1 million would be allocated to national and international promotion and only $500,000 to strictly local promotion.

Make the CFO happy and emulate finance in the sales program.

(1)          Most Profitable Market Program published by the Mcilvaine Company